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Care providers

In Wisconsin, you have many choices of licensed care providers.

  • CPMs:
    Certified Professional Midwives are licensed by the state. They are trained professionals who attend you in your own home, or a birth center, and give prenatal, postpartum and well woman care, as well as attending your birth.
  • CNMs:
    Certified Nurse Midwives are RN’s with an advanced degree in midwifery, who work under the supervision of an OB. They give  prenatal, postpartum and well woman care, as well as attending your birth. They will provide care in a clinic or hospital setting.
  • FPMD or GPMD:
    Family Practice or General Practice physicians often do obstetric care.  They give prenatal, postpartum and well woman care, as well as attending your birth. They will provide care in a clinic or hospital setting.
  • OB or OBGYN:
    Obstetrician or Obstetrician/Gynecologist are surgeons with advanced training in the problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth. They will provide care in a clinic or hospital setting

It is important to make certain that you and your care provider are on the same page when it comes to where, when and how you will deliver your baby.  Find a list of questions to ask your care provider here

Once you have chosen your care provider, you will have questions for them. Especially during early pregnancy, when your visits are spaced quite a length of time apart,  you will want to write questions down as you think of them.  Use our handy Question sheet to keep in your purse or pocket, and jot those questions down as you think of them!

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