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Doulas for Adoption

 Adoptive parents face huge life changes as they bring home an infant, and birth parents face huge changes as they leave one behind.

Doulas for Adoptive Parents:

What can a Doula do for you?

A Doula can provide support in the hospital if you are invited to the birth, communication between the birthing room and the waiting room, if hospital policy does not allow adoptive parents in, and postpartum support once baby comes home. 

What will a Doula NOT do for you?

A Doula will NOT intervene between you and the mother.

A Doula will NOT attempt to influence the mother one way or another.

A Doula will NOT help you locate a baby to adopt.

Doulas for Birth Parents:

What can a Doula do for you?

A Doula works for YOU not the adoptive parents.  They should get their own Doula.

A Doula will provide you with support before, during and after the birth of your baby, including but not limited to attending a birthing class with you.

A Doula will understand the feelings you are having as you make the choice to place your baby for adoption, and support you in your decision, no matter what that decision is.

A Doula can come with you to hold your hand and hand you tissues as you sign final paperwork.

What will a Doula NOT do?

A Doula will NOT make your decision for you.

A Doula will NOT judge you if you change your mind

Doulas for Adoption Agencies

Char is available to speak to parents(both sets) about open adoption, and about the benefits of using a Doula.


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